
ZAZA TIMBER Engineering is a structural design company. Our speciality is the design of timber structures – glued laminated timber (glulam), cross laminated timber (CLT), solid timber, plywood – on its own or combined with steel, concrete, glass, masonry.

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Our clients are architects, engineers and builders in Latvia and elsewhere in Europe.

Our works

We have worked on projects of different scales and complexities. They include factories, warehouses, agricultural buildings, boat and transport sheds, office buildings, residential homes, sports facilities, bridges, concert halls, stages, and EV charging stations. 


Design of timber structures

Solutions with curved and tapered geometry

Design and calculation of connections

Detail drawings and 3D modelling

Shop drawings, assembly drawings and 3D modelling


  • Structural design development – depending on magnitude and level of complexity – all load-bearing structures or just timber load-bearing structures
  • Development of individual connections
  • Detail drawings and 3D modelling
  • Detail drawings and 3D modelling for production and assembly
  • Calculation and verification of structures and solutions
  • Modelling and consultations on fire safety solutions with the help of a fire protection engineer
  • General consultations: we will find out about your vision, project, desires and issues and offer a working plan or solution
  • In specific cases we can offer development of a full design project by enlisting an architect.

Modern Design

Our engineers work with industry-leading calculation and modelling software. They are familiar with the latest technologies for timber structure connections and assembly, and keep up to date with innovations

This allows us to offer our customers the best solutions and implement more complex projects to the highest level of precision. This gives our customers not just better safety standards, but also a more rational consumption of materials during construction.

Our Experience

Aker Tech House, Norway

  • Construction
  • Engineering
  • Production

Timber bridge over the Vircava

  • Engineering
  • Production

EV Charging Station in Frederiksberg, Copenhagen

  • Construction
  • Engineering
  • Production

Second wing for a factory

  • Construction
  • Engineering
  • Production

Pasta Island ice rink in Jelgava, Latvia

  • Construction
  • Engineering
  • Production

Pedestrian Bridge over Pikurga River in Latvia

  • Construction
  • Engineering
  • Production


Several buildings we have designed have received architectural, engineering and construction awards.

Latvia’s Best Building of the Year
  • Pasta Island ice rink, Jelgava
  • Open-air stage, Krimūnas
  • Mītava open-air concert hall, Jelgava
  • IKTK office building and factory, Ozolnieki County
  • Residential house, Jelgava County
Annual Latvian Construction Industry Award
  • Mītava open-air concert hall, Jelgava
  • Open-air stage, Krimūnas
  • Pasta Island ice rink, Jelgava
  • IKTK factory, Ozolnieki County
  • Residential house renovation, Saint Petersburg
Jānis Kuļikovskis ZAZA TIMBER Engineering

Jānis Kuļikovskis

Member the Management Board, certified structural engineer
Mareks Gindra ZAZA TIMBER Engineering

Mareks Gindra

Head of Design Unit, Certified Structural Engineer
Rainers Vorslavs ZAZA TIMBER Engineering

Rainers Daugava

Structural Engineer
Klāvs Zušmanis ZAZA TIMBER Engineering

Klāvs Zušmanis

Structural Engineer

Krišs Pinkulis

Structural Engineer
Rasma Ķīvīte ZAZA TIMBER

Rasma Ķīvīte

Structural Engineer

Mareks Balodis

Export Sales Manager
Deivis Ķelderis ZAZA TIMBER

Deivis Ķelderis

Export Sales Manager
Māris Peilāns ZAZA TIMBER Construction

Māris Peilāns

Chairman of the Management Board

Eva Jansone

HR and Office Administrator

Juta Durīte

Legal Counsel

Jānis Šveds

Head of Finance

Sarmīte Rudaka


Āris Dreimanis

Marketing, Communications and Brand Manager

ZAZA TIMBER Engineering SIA is part of the ZAZA Group, which also includes timber structure manufacturers and constructors.

The company was formed in 2016 and operated under the name Rodentia until 2021.

In 2021, we formed ZAZA TIMBER, a unified brand for construction, manufacture and design, and Rodentia changed its name to ZAZA TIMBER Engineering. The letters A and Z in the name point to the wide range of services we offer: a full service cycle from A to Z for timber construction. 

Our clients are architects, engineers and builders in Latvia and elsewhere in Europe. We have worked on projects of differing sizes and complexities. They include factories, warehouses, agricultural buildings, boat and transport sheds, office buildings, residential homes, sports facilities, bridges, concert halls, stages, petrol and electric vehicle charging stations.