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Full Range of Services

We are ZAZA TIMBER: a group of three innovative companies specialising in glulam manufacturing, timber structure engineering and construction. We implement our clients’ manufacturing, design and construction projects. We are able to offer our clients a full construction cycle from A to Z: from the initial design to a finished build.

Our work ir guided by a Quality policy, Environmental policy and Supplier code of conduct.

Timber buildings and bridges worldwide

We have manufactured structures for transport, pedestrian and ski bridges, manufacturing, office and residential buildings, schools, churches, sports facilities, restaurants, hotels, concert halls, petrol stations and EV charging stations. They are located in Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Iceland, Germany, Spain, Lithuania, Latvia, the U.S., South Korea, Qatar, the Netherlands, Portugal, Ukraine, Andorra, Morocco and Australia. Our structural design and assembly services have been used by more than 60 clients.

Science and innovation

Finding innovations and solutions is in our DNA. We have developed in close collaboration with researchers. We are located near a university town which is the central education and academic research location for wood processing in the Baltics. We have also attracted EU funding for the support of innovative manufacture to help develop our facilities. 

Photo: Spherical curves. 520 acoustic panels of different sizes made of timber for Mezaparks Great Stage.

ZAZA TIMBER: Our New Brand

The letters A and Z in the name ZAZA point to the wide range of services offered by each of the Group’s companies. They also demonstrate our companies’ abilities to complete a full construction project, from design to a finished build. In 2021, manufacturer IKTK changed their name to ZAZA TIMBER Production, engineers Rodentia changed to ZAZA TIMBER Engineering, and builder Igate Būve changed to ZAZA TIMBER Construction. 


Our companies began operating in 2015. We first created a glulam structure factory, which we continue to expand and modernise. We then developed our design and construction skills. We gained our customers’ trust with our high quality products and excellent service. The annual consolidated turnover of the ZAZA TIMBER group exceeds 10 million Euro (2023) and the group employs more than 80 people.